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San Marcos Art League’s Art Scared returning to square Oct. 23

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS – The San Marcos Art League (SMAL) is pleased to be bringing Art Scared back to the downtown Square on Saturday, Oct. 23. The temporary Halloween public art installation is open to area children, Elementary-through-High-School-age. Participants are invited to paint a section of a designated window with a fall or Halloween-themed image. Painted windows will remain on display for the public to enjoy through early November.

“Last year’s event was such a hit, we knew we wanted to do it again, said Nancy Brown, SMAL’s San Marcos Art Center Manager. “Our purpose remains two-fold,” she added. “First, to supplement the art curriculum for San Marcos area students, and second, to encourage further engagement in downtown San Marcos establishments.”

SMAL is joining forces with area schools, the Downtown Association of San Marcos (DASM), San Marcos Main Street, and several generous sponsors including HEB to bring the event back and provide appropriate supplies and prizes. First Place Prizes will be awarded in each different school-age level. All participants will receive acknowledgment and leave the event with a gift bag, extra paint supplies and brushes to create more art at home.

Approximately 60 window spaces have been identified at participating businesses around the Square. 20 spaces will be grouped and allotted for elementary, middle, and high school students. Interested students and their parent or guardian should visit: Art Scared – Artist Registration

Windows will be assigned to participating students to paint with the assistance of at least one parent or teacher on Saturday, October 23. Family-friendly imagery, mask-wearing, and safe social distancing practices will be observed, along with staggered painting times for elementary, middle, and high school students.

For more information, please email info@artleaguesmtx.org.

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