San Marcos Lions Club Will Host This Week’s Cottage Kitchen Lunch
Staff Report
The Cottage Kitchen at the Charles S. Cock House Museum, located at 400 E. Hopkins Street, will be serving lunch from 11 AM until 1 PM on Friday, January 25.
Friday’s lunch will be hosted by the San Marcos Lion’s Club and will consist of Burgers with all of the Fixings, Potato Salad, Beans and dessert with tea, coffee or water and all for only $8 (only cash or checks accepted)!
The San Marcos Lions Club was chartered Nov. 12, 1941 and in 1970 they started the tube rental using an old cattle truck, a portable air compressor and automotive tire tubes that were no longer deemed fit for road use. During the summers, the Club rented an average of 20-40 tubes per day. The truck was stationed at the falls just below Spring Lake.
The Lions Club Tube Rental and River Shuttle are fund raising projects of the San Marcos Lions Club. The Tube Rental is located in City Park. Proceeds from this and other projects allow the Lions Clubs to support many charities and educational opportunities for students in the Central Texas Region.
All proceeds from the lunch will benefit the Heritage Association of San Marcos, an organization that supports the preservation of historic buildings and celebrates the culture and traditions that beautify and enrich the San Marcos community.
Cottage Kitchen began more than 40 years ago inside the Charles S. Cock home, a historic stone house that is now listed in the National Register. Charles S. Cock was a pioneer and a former mayor of San Marcos. For more information please call 512-392-4295.
Volunteers are the backbone nonprofits organizations and their survival would be extremely difficult without them. If would like additional information on to become a volunteer, click HERE.
The Heritage Association of San Marcos is a nonprofit organization chartered in 1975 to support the preservation of buildings, historical sites and archives as well as to perpetuate traditions that beautify and enrich the community life of this city.
The Association grew out of the San Marcos Bicentennial Commission, which was formed in 1972 to plan and coordinate the city’s celebration of the nation’s Bicentennial in 1976.
Since its founding, the Heritage Association has been responsible for many beloved community traditions, including the traditional Friday luncheons at the Cottage Kitchen.