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San Marcos Police report increase in firearm thefts

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

SAN MARCOS – The San Marcos Police Department (SMPD) has reported increased firearm thefts over the past year. According to SMPD, a firearm was stolen from a vehicle in an apartment complex parking lot on Monday.

“Gun ownership comes with the responsibility of handling and storing firearms safely,” SMPD said in a Facebook post. “Firearms that fall into the wrong hands could lead to more serious offenses.”

According to SMPD, 40 guns were stolen in San Marcos in 2021, most taken from parked vehicles.

SMPD recommends that gun owners not leave their weapons in vehicles and says it allows criminals to access weapons. The department also asks that people traveling with guns in their cars plan their routes and ensure guns are acceptable in stops along the drive. If firearms are not allowed, it may be best to leave your weapon at home and not accessible to theft.

SMPD also encourages gun owners to buy safe storage for their weapons in their vehicle, like a lockbox or safe, since glove boxes or center consoles are unsafe to store guns.

Additional tips SMPD gives is to check the bumper stickers on your vehicle. Criminals looking to steal firearms could target cars that have bumper stickers about hunting or guns. When leaving your vehicle, police ask that you don’t walk away from your car with an empty holster because it may tell criminals that a firearm was left inside.

Ultimately, SMPD says that the best thing gun owners can do is leave their firearms safely in their homes in a safe separate from ammunition and out of reach from children.


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One Comment

  1. Said a San Marcos Citizen on January 11, 2022 at 10:43 am:

    Its amazing the sheer number of attempted break ins recorded on ring. If you are on ring you can see these attempted crimes happen in real time as neighbors post them. The crime in this town is shameful. Unless you live in a gated community like Bert Lumbreras.”

    You can stay amazed only if you ignore the separate political subdivision of Texas State as the causal link.

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