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Secular Human Shield Blocks Protesters At Islamic Rally

By Mark Otte

AUSTIN– A group calling themselves Peaceful Protectors turned out in droves Tuesday to form a human shield against would-be protesters at the biennial Texas Muslim Capitol Day.

The event, which has been blemished in the past by armed protestors, is intended to give Islamic communities from across Texas the opportunity to come to the capitol once a legislative session to meet lawmakers and learn about the legislative process.

In the wake of the executive orders signed by President Trump, concerns grew about protests at this year’s event.  A call went out via social media for non-Muslims to come to the Capitol to shield the event from any disruption.

“It was brought to our attention by CAIR organizers that people had made threats against the event,” said Joshua Frey, an organizer for Peaceful Protectors.  “In years past, someone rushed the stage shouting obscenities at families and children, and as a community, we wanted to make sure that didn’t happen again.”

Thousands of supporters gathered at the Capitol in the morning as organizers yelled instructions through a bullhorn to the crowd, moving them into place. The group formed a perimeter of people locking arms, that would provide an uninterrupted space for the Muslim community to listen to both religious leaders and public officials speak from the Capitol steps.

By the time the speakers began, however, only one protester came to disrupt them.  Members from Peaceful Protectors quietly block Rick Ellis from the Capitol steps as he yelled at both them and law enforcement.

“Y’all will be the first ones they cut the heads off of when they take over,” Ellis said. “You will be the first.”

With Ellis confined to the back of the crowd, speakers including Rep. Celia Israel, D-Austin, could speak to the crowd about the issues that surround the Islamic community.

“We stand here in 2017 in a dangerous time for our country and our state,” Isreal said.  “I say that with much regret. Our presidential elections have concluded and our newly elected leader has pledged to ban Muslims from our country.”

Those who came to listen to the speakers were thankful for the show of support from the community.

“Just to see how much support we had from other communities was extremely heartening,” said Aziza Faruqui, president of the women’s auxiliary of the Afghanistan community. “This is what we hoped for.”

After the speakers gave their closing remarks, two more protesters had come to the Capitol grounds and stood at the top of the steps after the crowd had mostly dispersed.  One of the late protesters carried an Ar-15 pistol on his hip and carried an Israeli flag, the other wore a dog suit and carried a sign that said, “Help Trump Help Dogs.”


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One Comment

  1. We now have a “TEXAS Muslim Day” in TEXAS? Never heard of anything like this so I did a Google search for other days like this for Christian Day in Texas, Hindu Day in Texas, Jewish Day in Texas and Amish Day in Texas. Guess what? Nothing shows up for any of these? Why is that? Are we not supposed to be treating everyone the same? Or is it that some here in Texas seem to just be pandering to one belief system?

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