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Statement on ESD #1 Tax Election: Letter to the Editor

Dear Friends:

Election results are in, and North Hays County ESD #1’s proposition has failed by strong 27-point margin, with 63.36% voting no. Proposition #1 would have increased the maximum property tax rate levied by North Hays County Emergency Services District #1 by 133%, from 3 cents to 7 cents per $100 in property value.

I’m pleased that the citizens of northern Hays County join me in opposing higher property taxes. The Texas Legislature has worked diligently to find solutions to our growing property tax problem. We made progress last session, but there’s still more to be done to relieve this significant financial burden on Texas homeowners — and we cannot do it without a strong commitment from everyone to lower taxes for all Texans.

I’m thankful for the dedicated men and women serving on the ESD #1 board  — and especially the EMTs working every day to keep our community safe and healthy. I look forward to working with them, as well as other county and state officials, to ensure Hays County residents have quality emergency medical services while ensuring our hard-earned tax dollars are used efficiently.


Jason Isaac, House District 45, Serving Blanco & Hays Counties

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