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Texas Children In Nature – Summit And Champions Luncheon

Children today spend between 7 and 11 hours per day indoors, sedentary, with media and only minutes per day playing in nature. At the same time research shows that childhood obesity, diabetes, and depression…

During this two-day Summit, TCiN will bring together the health, education, built environment, faith, and conservation community to shape an even brighter future for the children of Texas.

Texas Children In Nature (TCiN) will convene over 250 leaders to strengthen the network and develop opportunities and policies that will connect children and families with nature.

Children today spend between 7 and 11 hours per day indoors, sedentary, with media and only minutes per day playing in nature. At the same time research shows that childhood obesity, diabetes, and depression are also on the rise. The trends are alarming.

The good news is that this is a solvable problem.

TCiN continues to see real progress towards solutions through community collaboration. Join them in this journey to connect more children and families with nature.

Champions Awards Luncheon

The Champions Luncheon will honor four individuals or organizations that have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of children through strengthening their connection with nature.

Registration is Open: Click here to get registered

Be a Sponsor of the Texas Children in Nature movement

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