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TXST Bateman Team’s “Better Together” Campaign To Raise Awareness On Diversity & Inclusion In San Marcos

Staff Reports

The Bateman Team for the Public Relations Student Society of America at Texas State University will host a diversity mixer and trivia night at Aquabrew on March 7.

The event, known as ‘Better Together,’ is held to spur “a diverse community in San Marcos, the workplace and Texas State University.”

Speakers will discuss the importance of diversity, which will be followed a night of trivia and prizes.

Members of the Texas State Public Relations Student Society of America, Texas State University and Public Relations professionals are expected to attend along with San Marcos City Council Member Jocabed Marquez.

The Texas State 2019 Bateman Team’s goal is to educate and bring awareness of diversity in the workplace in the San Marcos area.

The entrance fee for participation in the trivia game is $5 per person or $15 for a team of four. Attendees will also be able to purchase food and beverages through Aquabrew.

The event will be held Thursday night from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

The Better Together campaign is a San Marcos-based campaign created to advocate and educate on the value of diversity and inclusion by the use of mass communication and events held locally.


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