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Winter Driving Tips That Could Save Your Life

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100by, Robert Box

Winter is a beautiful time of year, but it can also be a dangerous time for drivers who traverse icy and snowy roads to share the holidays with loved ones.  Follow these safe driving tips to assure the final destination is reached safely.

  • Check the weather conditions before driving -adjust plans and the route accordingly.
  • Remove snow and ice from all windows, lights and hood of the vehicle before departure.
  • Leave more room for stopping than usual (compared with ideal driving conditions).  Look farther down the road than usual.
  • Keep in mind that posted speed limits are in place for ideal driving conditions.
  • Use brakes cautiously by braking early. It takes more time and distance to stop vehicles in icy/snowy conditions.
  • Slow down before reaching a bridge because bridges freeze first.
  • Exit ramps can be dangerously icy in the winter because not as much anti-icing material is used on exit ramps compared with the main road.  Remember to gradually reduce speed before exiting. 
  • Cruise control should not be used while driving in wintery conditions. 
  • Driving a 4-wheel drive vehicle doesn’t mean the vehicle can’t slide.  4×4 vehicles can get going quicker in slippery conditions, but they don’t stop any quicker than 2-wheel drive vehicles.  Actually, many 4-wheel drive vehicles are heavier than 2-wheel drive vehicles, which means they will likely take longer to stop.  Resist overconfidence while driving a 4-wheel drive vehicle in ice or snow. 
  • Before entering traffic on a slippery road, require more space to an approaching vehicle.  Keep in mind that vehicles, especially trucks, will need more time to safely respond and potentially stop to avoid a collision. 
  • Give emergency, law enforcement and maintenance vehicles a wide berth.  Move over and made room for roadside vehicles, approaching emergency vehicles and stay back at least 200 feet from snowplows and de-icing trucks.  Never pass a snowplow on the right side. 
  • Please remember to slow down.  Leave early so there is no temptation to rush.
  • Seat belts should be worn at all times by all occupants- it’s the law.
  • Finally, keep in mind that alcohol and drugs do not mix well with driving.  Get a reliable designated driver.

Safety First Consulting is a contributor of SM Corridor News and helps businesses identify OSHA compliance issues in their workplaces, manage their safety programs, and we become accountable for the results. In addition to offering custom written safety programs for companies, Safety First Consulting provides required safety training, industrial hygiene sampling, noise sampling, and workplace inspections. You can read more from Robert Box under Business.



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