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SMPD Seeks Additional Victims Of Last Week’s Sexual Assault Suspect

UPDATED March 5 @ 11:23 AM: 

The San Marcos Police Department is continuing the investigation into a sexual assault, which took place on Feb. 21. 

John Tate McFarland

According to a news release issued today, police believe there could be other victims of John Tate McFarland from both the San Marcos and Austin areas.

McFarland was arrested Feb. 28 on Sexual Assault charges; his bond was set at $50,000 by a judge.

He was released on bond on March 1.

The San Marcos Police Department is committed to seeking justice for all survivors of sexual assault and encourages any individuals who believe they have been assaulted to report the crimes committed against them.

In San Marcos and Hays County, there are several resources available to assist survivors of sexual assault including the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center and the Student Health Center at Texas State University-San Marcos.

Anyone with information about this case or wanting to report a crime should contact Detective Sandra Spriegel, 512.753.2369 or sspriegel@sanmarcostx.gov

UPDATED March 1 @ 6:50 PM: 

A source close to the situation has reached out to Corridor News regarding this incident to expand on the information initially provided by police. 

The victim’s mother is a resident of Cleburne, not San Marcos. While police reported the victim was “out downtown, left with an individual and could only remember having sex with him.”

However, the source said the suspect approached her while the victim was walking to her car after leaving the bars and stated that she did not willingly leave with him.

According to the source, the victim was not coherent and did not have an indication of where she was being taken; the sex was not consensual, and it was not the only thing the victim remembers from the incident. 

The source told Corridor News the victim remembered several times where she was scared to death and when he finally decided to take her home.

Corridor News apologizes for any confusions caused or implications that might have been made with the initial report. It was not our intention; we reported only what was provided to us by the San Marcos Police Department as it had been stated. 

Originally Published: March 1, 2019 @ 5:47 PM

The San Marcos Police Department have arrested the suspect in a sexual assault incident, which occurred last week.

On Feb. 28, around 12:20 PM, officers located and arrested 35-year-old John Tate McFarland on sexual assault charges.

SMPD Commander Kelly Bomersbach said officers received information from a woman that her daughter, a San Marcos resident, had called from an unfamiliar number asking for help on Feb. 21 around 6:05 AM.

The victim was unable to be located or reached for an hour until she sent a Facebook message to a friend asking for help, according to officials. 

Police said they eventually located the victim at her residence where she reported she had gone “out downtown, left with an individual and could only remember having sex with him.”  

According to Police, the victim said the individual had refused to allow her to leave when she asked. However, eventually, he drove her to her home.

The victim was taken to Central Texas Medical Center for a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE). No further information regarding the case or victim was released. 


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