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Lieut. Gov Dan Patrick Concerned about The Raising of College Tuition

Friday Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Chairman of the Senate Higher Education Committee sent a letter to each Texas public university president, requesting they send information on tuition and costs of attendance at each institution since 2002. Texas student debt is rising between eight and nine percent annually and the cost of tuition is increasing exponentially. In a press release, Patrick stated, “discouraging to see Texas higher education institutions seek to increase the financial burden faced by students and their families rather than developing methods to cut institutional costs. The cost of higher education must remain at a level that is within reach of all Texans.”


Below is the letter Patrick and Chair Seliger sent to the Board of Regents, System Chancellor XXX, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Governor Greg Abbott, Speaker Joe Straus, Senate Higher Education Committee.


Dear University President/Chancellor,

In the last legislative session, the 84th Texas Legislature passed a budget that provided a dramatic increase in funding for higher education. Consequently, we are alarmed at reoccurring reports that our state universities have increased or are considering proposals to raise tuition on students. These increases, combined with excessive bonus programs, indicate that our state universities have lost sight of their primary mission to provide a high quality education at an affordable cost to Texas families.

It is discouraging to see Texas higher education institutions seek to increase the financial burden faced by students and their families rather than developing methods to cut institutional costs.

Student debt is already at an all-time high, with students taking longer to complete their degrees and incurring a greater amount of debt each year.

The cost of higher education must remain at a level that is within reach of all Texans. To address this issue, the Senate Committee on Higher Education has been tasked with studying several interim charges related to making college education more affordable for students and families across Texas. To meet these charges, the Texas Senate needs an accurate and transparent representation of the current financial situation of your university, the costs to students in particular.

Please provide the following information to the office of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and to the office of Senator Kel Seliger by March 31:

  • A summary of any current effort by your institution to raise tuition and/or fees on students;
  • Tuition rates since 2002-2003, indicating statutory tuition rates, and designated tuition rates, by academic year;
  • Annual fees since 2002-2003, indicating mandatory fees, college, and course fees, by academic year;
  • Total academic charges since 2002-2003, by academic year, including the percentage change each academic year;
  • Total academic charges since 2002-2003, by academic year, including the percentage change each academic year;
  • An overview of institution plans to reduce student debt, including innovative tuition reduction and/or cost-reduction plans, including any plans to offer alternate degree pathways;
  • 4-year and 6-year completion rates since 2002-2003, by academic year; and
  • Financial aid, including aid from the state and institutional investments since 2002-2003, by year.

Texans expect their elected representatives to protect their interests and to be stewards of public resources, including public universities. Members of the Texas Senate intend to uphold this responsibility, and we look forward to your timely response to this request for information.

Dan Patrick                                   Kel Seliger

Lieutenant Governor                  Chair, Senate Higher Education Committee 

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