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Buda Releases Information On New Water Meter System

The City of Buda is nearing completion on the installation of the City’s new water meter system. The new system enables customers to see consumption data in real-time as opposed to having to request their consumption data from the City.

The system also enables customers to set usage alerts and receive leak notifications.     

The City of Buda recently partnered with WaterSmart Software to offer our residents a modern digital portal where you can access detailed information about your household water use.  

Customers can reach the portal on their mobile device or web browser at https://budatx.watersmart.com/index.php/welcome.

To register for this free service, just enter their billing account number and email address.  Customers can then access all of their utility data on a daily basis, see how their water use compares to similar-sized homes in their neighborhood, and get access to customized recommendations on how they can save water and money.

For additional questions, please contact Blake Neffendorf at bneffendorf@ci.buda.tx.us.

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