San Marcos Announces Ramp Closure For Tax-Free Weekend
The tax-free weekend offers shoppers the opportunity to purchase back-to-school necessities without paying sales tax on qualifying items in accordance with the Texas Sales Tax Holiday.
But getting there might take you a while.
The northbound McCarty Lane exit ramp (Exit 201) on IH-35 will be closed on Friday, Aug. 9, from 12 PM to Saturday, Aug. 10, at 8 PM to accommodate increased traffic at the outlet malls during Tax-Free Weekend.
The purpose of the exit ramp closure is to prevent vehicle weaving conflicts during the Tax-Free Weekend at the San Marcos Outlet Malls. Lighted signs on the interstate will notify motorists of the closed exit ramp.
For more information, contact the City of San Marcos Public Services-Transportation Division at 512.393.8036.