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Volunteers Collect 7,000 Pounds Of Litter In San Marcos Fall River Cleanup 2019

More than 525 volunteers picked up over 7,000 pounds of trash and recyclable material during the City of San Marcos Fall River Cleanup on Oct. 5.

Volunteers worked in strategic watershed-impacting areas throughout the City to retrieve an estimated 5,400 pounds of trash and 1,740 pounds of recycling, including 13 tires, from causing damage to streams and wildlife habitats.

Cleanup areas included the San Marcos River from City Park to Stokes Park; Purgatory Creek; Willow Creek; and Downtown and drainage ditches along Hopkins Street, Charles Austin Drive and Hwy 123.

For information about cleanups and sponsorships, contact Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager Amy Kirwin at akirwin@sanmarcostx.gov.

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