Keep Watch For These Detours & Road Closures On 183 South
Staff Report
Short and long term lane, road closures and detours that may impact drivers along US 183 and adjacent roadways in east Austin.
Below is an overview of the 183 South project’s lane, road, and ramp closures. Work continues along US 183, including bridge construction, roadway installation, sound wall work, utility work.
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority is an independent government agency created in 2002 to improve the transportation system in Williamson and Travis counties.
The Mobility Authority is overseen by a seven-member Board of Directors. The Governor appoints the Chairman, and the Travis and Williamson counties Commissioners Courts each appoint three members to serve on the Board.
• US 183 Short & Long Term Closures & Detours •
**Beginning Saturday, July 13, all northbound US 183 traffic will shift onto a new bridge over the Colorado River to accommodate the demolition and reconstruction of the existing northbound bridge.
The work will require a long-term closure of the northbound exit to Airport Boulevard, 7th Street, 5th Street, and East Cesar Chavez Street.
Northbound US 183 drivers wishing to reach those roads will continue north on US 183 to a U-turn located near Bolm Road.
After taking the U-turn and entering southbound US 183, they will exit at Levander Loop to access Airport Boulevard and the other downtown routes. In addition to this detour, a number of other travel routes will be impacted. Please visit our website for details.**
Short Term
• LANE CLOSURE — 05/31/2020 to 06/05/2020 — ROADWAY BASE INSTALLATION
Sunday (5/31) 6 PM to 6 AM, Monday-Thursday (6/1-4) 8 PM to 6 AM, US 183 main lane in both directions will be reduced to one lane Harold Court to MLK Blvd.
• LANE CLOSURE — 06/01/2020 to 06/04/2020 — INTERSECTION WORK
Monday-Friday (6/1-4) 9 AM to 3 PM, US 183 general-purpose right turn lane in both directions will be closed at Manor Springdale and right turn lane closed at Manor Springdale Rd. at US 183.
Long Term
Beginning as early as March 22, 2020,* the exit for northbound US 183 from westbound SH 71 will be temporarily shifted further east to accommodate construction. With this change, traffic from Old Bastrop Hwy and Brandt Dr. will be unable to access westbound SH 71 directly and will instead have to exit to northbound US 183 to Montopolis U-turn and exit E. Riverside Dr./SH 71 westbound.
• RAMP CLOSURE — 5/15/2019 to 8/12/2020 — BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION
SH 71 westbound to US 183 southbound ramp.
• ROAD CLOSURE — 8/19/2019 to 8/31/2020 — BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION
Beginning as early as Monday (8/19), the southern portion of Levander Loop, off East Cesar Chavez Street, will be closing for four to six months. The south US 183 to north US 183 U-turn via Levander Loop will be relocated and will remain open.
• ROAD CLOSURE — 8/24/2019 to 6/30/2020 — EXCAVATION
Beginning as early as Sunday (8/25), the crossing near Patton Avenue will close permanently. Alternative routes: US 183 southbound to northbound drivers can use the next turnaround to the south just past SH 71 at Riverside Drive. US 183 northbound drivers can use the u-turn at Vargas.
• RAMP CLOSURE — Beginning August 26, 2019 — BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION
Beginning as early as Sunday, August 26, at 6 pm and lasting approximately 10-12 months, the SH 71 westbound exit ramp to US 183 southbound will be closed. Detour by exiting for the U-turn at E. Riverside Drive and heading eastbound on SH 71 to the US 183 southbound exit.
• ROAD CLOSURE — 10/11/18 to 12/31/20 — PERMANENT CLOSURE
The signalized crossing of US 183 at 51st Street is permanently closed and the traffic signal has been removed. Drivers must utilize the U-turns at MLK and Manor/Springdale Road as an alternative to cross over US 183.
• ROAD CLOSURE — 10/15/18 to 12/31/20 — INTERSECTION WORK
The crossing of US 183 at Central Ave is permanently closed. Drivers will instead use the U-turns at MLK and Bolm Road to reach the other side of US 183.
• ROAD CLOSURE — 10/15/18 to 12/31/20 — INTERSECTION WORK
The crossing of US 183 at Hudson Street is permanently closed. Drivers will instead use the U-turns at MLK and Bolm Road to reach the other side of US 183.
• ROAD CLOSURE — 10/15/18 to 12/31/20 — INTERSECTION WORK
The Techni Center Drive crossing at US 183 is permanently closed
The US 183 underpass at Bolm Road is CLOSED PERMANENTLY to eastbound and westbound cross traffic and the traffic signal will be removed. Bolm Road eastbound traffic will detour via the south to north U-turn at Levander Loop to access US 183 northbound. Bolm Road westbound traffic will detour via a new temporary north to south U-turn located just north of Bolm Road to access US 183 Southbound.
According to their website, their mission is “to implement innovative, multi-modal transportation solutions that reduce congestion and create transportation choices that enhance the quality of life and economic vitality.”
The Mobility Authority was created and operates under the Texas Transportation Code Chapter 370 and is authorized under state law to implement a wide range of transportation systems including roadways, airports, seaports, and transit services.
The Mobility Authority is authorized to issue revenue bonds to fund projects and can utilize user fees and/or taxes to fund operations and repay bonds.