Downtown San Marcos Begins Curbside Parking Pilot Program
The City of San Marcos is implementing a 90-day Curbside Parking Pilot Program to assist downtown businesses with COVID recovery efforts.
An initiative of the Main Street Program, the pilot will establish 15-minute curbside parking spaces in areas of downtown where businesses are already offering curbside services.
“We created temporary curbside parking signage at the start of the pandemic, and both businesses and their customers appreciated this,” said Josie Falletta, Downtown Coordinator for Main Street. “This pilot will support businesses as they continue to make sales via curbside services, a strategy that has allowed many stores to weather this pandemic.”
The Curbside Parking Pilot Program will begin Monday, Oct. 12, 2020, and will continue for 90 days through Jan. 11, 2021, at which point the program will be evaluated.
A total of 7 signs will be installed and 14 curbside parking spaces will be allocated for this program, at two spaces per sign.
The public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on their curbside experience via an online survey. A QR code and bit.ly link will be clearly displayed at all curbside parking locations.
For more information about Main Street initiatives, follow @DowntownSMTX on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or email mainstreet@sanmarcostx.gov.