East Hopkins Bike And Pedestrian Project To Begin
The City of San Marcos Engineering and Capital Improvements Department will begin construction on the East Hopkins Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project on Monday, Nov. 9.
The project will improve pedestrian and bicycle access to busy locations along Hopkins Street including the Activity Center, San Marcos Public Library, and City Hall.
The project extends along Hopkins Street from CM Allen Parkway to Thorpe Lane. The planned improvements include:
- Replacing the existing smaller sidewalk with a 10-foot wide multi-use path from CM Allen Parkway to Thorpe Lane;
- Installing a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) crosswalk across Hopkins Street from City Hall to the Public Library;
- Installing a PHB crosswalk across Hopkins Street at Riverside Drive; and
- Adding a turn lane on Charles Austin at Hopkins Street and improving the traffic signal phasing plan.
Construction for the $1,483,000 project will be completed by Montoya Anderson Construction, Inc.
Funding for the project is provided partially through $2,000,000 in federal funding from the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) with the City contributing $250,000 toward project costs.
Construction is scheduled for completion by late Summer 2021, weather permitting.
To view how a PHB crosswalk works with traffic, watch this video of the device currently installed on Sessom Drive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pYboFeXWMc.
For more information on this project, call the City of San Marcos Engineering and Capital Improvements Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/CIProjects