Texas Workforce Commission Approves IT Apprenticeship Program
Program will increase worker training in high-demand field
AUSTIN – The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) approved a new Information Technology (IT) Registered Apprenticeship program. The decision, taken during National Apprenticeship Week (Nov 8 – 14), will expand opportunities for employers to develop registered apprenticeship programs that help employees learn crucial career skills on the job.
The commissioners approved the use of $3 million in funds from the Department of Labor’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for the new program.
“National Apprenticeship Week celebrates the value of the apprenticeship model for workers and employers,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “Apprenticeship is one of the tools TWC has at its disposal to build a workforce pipeline for the many jobs available in Texas’ growing industries.”
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts continued job growth in the field of IT. Jobs in software development and computer occupations are among the top 10 in-demand occupations in Texas.
“These are the jobs of the future and they’re the jobs of today,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “IT jobs will continue to grow in fields like cybersecurity and cloud computing, and Texas needs to train the next generation of workers to meet those needs. The apprenticeship model is the quickest, most cost-effective way to develop those workers and prepare them with skills that can transform a job into a career.”
Registered Apprenticeship (RA) is a training model that supports employers in training new employees or upskilling existing workers. Employers seeking to upgrade their workforce can use the program to create an RA program or expand a current one.
Depending on the need, an employer can develop training or enhance any classroom training and on-the-job learning components to increase the efficiencies of their workforce.
“Texas continues to be a new hub for high-tech businesses in America, and that transformation requires skilled workers,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Employers Aaron Demerson. “For participating employers, the apprenticeship model is another tool available to tailor the training of their future workforce.”
TWC’s apprenticeship expansion budget is $13 million, with $10 million scheduled to be released in an RFA process later this month. The additional $3 million for the IT program will be released in early 2021.
For businesses seeking to inquire about the application process, contact TWC at ApprenticeshipTexas@twc.state.tx.us.