Dacy Lane improvement project to begin this week
Hays County Courthouse, TX – Hays County’s Dacy Lane Roadway Improvement Project, funded through the 2016 Road Bond approved by voters, will begin on or about March 22. The project limits are Bebee Road to Hillside Terrace and road signs have been placed in the area to alert drivers to the work.
According to Hays County Transportation Director Jerry Borcherding, the road construction – expected to be completed by fall of 2023 – includes substantial upgrades and improvements.
“The project will reconstruct and expand the existing two-lane roadway,” Borcherding said. “From Bebee to Amberwood, there will be five lanes (two in each direction plus a center turn lane) and from Amberwood to Hillside Terrace there will be three lanes (one in each direction and a center turn lane).”
He added that the project includes numerous safety improvements such as:
- Upgrading all culvert crossings to desirable County standards,
- Adding traffic signals at Bebee and Windy Hill,
- Adding shoulders,
- Improving horizontal /vertical roadway geometry and
- Adding limited sidewalks at the southern and northern ends near Chapa and McCormick Middle Schools.
Along with improvements along Dacy Lane, the intersection at Windy Hill Rd. will be widened to provide left turns onto Dacy Lane. A new two-lane roadway (named Lois Lane) will also be constructed between Marsh Lane in Shadow Creek Subdivision to Dacy Lane.
Borcherding urges those driving through the area to remain aware and vigilant of the road work and to allow additional travel time during the project. “Hays County thanks residents in advance for their cooperation and attentiveness to traffic restrictions during construction,” he said.