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USA Today Names San Marcos River #2

By, Holly Ratcliff

On USA Today’s Best River for Tubing list, the San Marcos River was named the second best place to tube in the nation.


The San Marcos River may have received its fame for numerous reasons. Its steady popularity often draws in citizens from across the country.


Many refer to the water’s year-round, 72-degree temperature as the river’s main appeal. In combination with the unpredictability of Texas weather, Sewell Park enthusiasts may be seen soaking up the sun and testing the waters during any season.


Alongside the Texas State University tradition of students plunging into the river following graduation ceremonies, the waterway continues to define San Marcos as time goes on.


To take a look at the other contenders, visit 10Best: http://www.10best.com/awards/travel/best-river-for-tubing/

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