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H-E-B CEO Announces Investment In Texas Public Education

H-E-B announced Tuesday, the company will make a major investment in Texas public education.

Charles Butt, Chairman and CEO of H-E-B, held a press conference to announced a $100 million to create a premier leadership institute in Austin. The Holdsworth Center aims to develop and support local leaders and improve the quality of education around the state.

Butt said the center aspires to help leaders reinvent the way future leaders are selected, developed and supported by their school districts.

The Holdsworth Center said the center will help school districts a common vision and roadmap for “identifying, cultivating and supporting” future leaders.

The center will have a 17-member board and work as a non-profit organization. Dr. Ruth Simmons, president of Smith College 1995 to 2001 and president of Brown University 2011-2012, will act at the center’s chair.

The first program starts in June with six districts from around the state. The organization will invite 15 to 20 districts to apply by the 1st of February. Selected applicants will be notified by March.

Until the Holdsworth Center finds a permanent location, the organization will utilize conference centers near participating districts.


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