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Update: San Marcos 2-Month-Old Mauled By Dog


2-month-old Skylar Dean Julius died Jan. 18 after receiving several animal bites.

Police say the father reported falling asleep while the baby napped in an infant bouncer on the couch with him. When awoke 20 minutes later, the child was on the floor and unresponsive.

Commander Kelly Earnest said police found no sufficient evidence of alcohol or drugs involvement in the incident.

“As you can imagine, a new parent, very fatigued and tired,” Commander Earnest said. “So when the child was asleep he thought, ‘Here is my opportunity to catch a little nap.”

Authorities reported most of the bite marks were to Julius abdomen. The family’s dog, a German Shepherd, has been impounded by animal control. The owners will be able to reclaim the canine if they choose to.

Investigators are awaiting autopsy results from the Travis County Medical Examining. Toxicology results will take six to eight weeks to be completed and returned.

A preliminary examination showed no signs of recent or previous physical abuse. The investigation is ongoing. Child Protective Services is also currently investigating the case.

Commander Earnest was unable to comment on whether charges will be filed.


A 2-month-old died after being bitten by the family’s German Shepherd multiple times in San Marcos.

Police and EMS responded to a 911 call at a home in Sagewood around 1:30 p.m. Tuesday after a child was found unresponsive with multiple animal bites. The child was pronounced dead at 2:08 p.m. by hospital staff.

The father of the child said he had fallen asleep for about twenty minutes while the baby was in an infant bouncer. When he awoke, the child was unresponsive and cold to the touch.

Animal Control has impounded the family’s German Shepherd. The dog has been with the family for more than eight years and was submissive to authorities.

The dog will be held for 10 days while police investigate. After 10 days, authorities will decide if the canine is to be euthanized or not.

Owners said dog has no previous incidents or cases of aggression. 


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