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‘A Day Without Immigrants’ Movement Sweeps Austin

People throughout Austin have decided to stay home today to show the state a “day without immigrants.”

Organizers of the event encouraged immigrant business owners and employees and those who support them to stay home today. Participants will not be going to work or buying and selling products.  

Organizers said the goal is to show the impact immigrants have on the U.S. economy and day to day life. The campaign is part of a national movement to protest recent immigration actions.  

At least 21 Austin businesses and companies planned on participating in the ‘day without immigrants’ movement. And students were also encouraged to stay home from school today.

However, Austin ISD spokesperson, Jacob Barrett told Community Impact these absences would not be excused.

Roughly 150 to 200 protestors had gathered at Austin City Hall by 9 a.m. this morning to show their support for immigrants. By noon, Austin Police estimated 300—400 people were marching toward the state capitol.

Fifty-one Austin residents have been arrested under ICE detainers as part of Operation Cross Check.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, roughly 75 percent of those arrests have bene of individuals have been convicted with a crime in the past.

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