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San Marcos To Address Expansion Of Historic District, Wants Your Feedback

This will provide an opportunity for the community to offer feedback on the proposed boundaries of the expansion prior to the scheduled public hearings.

The City of San Marcos Planning & Development Services department will host a public open house on March 22 from noon to 6 p.m. at the San Marcos Rec Hall, 170 Charles Austin Drive, to discuss potential expansion of the City’s Historic Districts.

Currently, the Historic Preservation Commission is considering a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for the expansion of two existing historic districts: Lindsey–Rogers and Hopkins Street.

The Open House will be a come and go event and will provide an opportunity for the community to offer feedback on the proposed boundaries of the expansion prior to the scheduled public hearings.

A letter detailing the proposed historic district expansion and the Open House was mailed to all potentially affected property owners on March 10.

For more information, please contact Alison Brake, Planner, at 512.393.8232; abrake@sanmarcostx.gov.


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One Comment

  1. What happened to the Smart Code the city and citizens that spent the time and effort , had public meetings and was supposed to be the guide for years?

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