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Governor Abbott Announces Star Of Texas Nominations


“The Star of Texas Awards offer an opportunity to showcase the true valor of the brave men and women who serve in Texas communities, and I look forward to honoring them.”

Governor Greg Abbott announced Monday that nominations are currently being accepted for the 2017 Star of Texas Award.

The Star of Texas awards honor peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical first responders who were seriously injured or killed in the line of duty. Nominations for this year’s awards must be submitted to the Governor’s Office by June 15, 2017.

“We can never say thank you enough to those who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe,” said Governor Abbott. “The Star of Texas Awards offer an opportunity to showcase the true valor of the brave men and women who serve in Texas communities, and I look forward to honoring them.”

The nomination form can be accessed through the Governor’s Office website at https://governor.state.tx.us/forms/staroftexas/.

To be eligible for the 2017 award, the critical incident must have occurred between September 1, 2003 and June 15, 2017, and the first responder must not have previously received a Star of Texas Award for that particular event. 


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