Corridor News Provides Tarr Indictment Sources
In addressing recent questions and comments regarding Jason Tarr facts and sources, we at Corridor News are more than happy to share and provide all of our documents and research for your personal review.
Referenced Jason Tarr article: https://smcorridornews.com/breaking-jason-tarr-indicted-for-murder/
Dear Readers,
In addressing recent questions and comments regarding Jason Tarr facts and sources, we at Corridor News are more than happy to share and provide all of our documents and research for your personal review.
The following reputable media sources reported facts of Jason Tarr’s arrest, criminal record and accident details identical to our own reported information:
Additionally, before publishing yesterday’s article regarding Jason Tarr’s indictment, we contacted Hays County District Attorney, Hays County Sheriff’s Office as well as Hays County District Clerks office to which all departments provided and confirmed all information we have published on the matter.
We offer the public the following legal records documentation with highlighted information cited in our publication illustrating dates of charges with statutes and level of degrees.
Note from the Publisher:
We at Corridor News appreciate the opportunity to serve San Marcos and Hays County communities with local news. We always welcome any and all comments, questions, concerns and suggestions from our readers which you may submit to news@smcorridornews.com.
Melissa Jewett, Publisher