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Buda Planning & Zoning To Discuss CIP Impact Fee Schedule, Annexation

Items to watch during this week’s meeting of Buda’s Planning & Zoning Commission

Below is a collection of agenda items and links to additional details for those agenda items for the upcoming Buda Planning & Zoning meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

NOTE: The list below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.

Item F. 1.  Presentation by Freese & Nichols regarding land use assumptions, water and wastewater capital improvements projects, and next steps in the development of water and wastewater impact

In the coming months the City of Buda and Freese & Nichols will be will be observing the schedule below on water & wastewater CIP projects. View Tuesday’s presentation HERE.

JULY 25, 2017  CIAC Meeting on Land Use Assumptions and CIPs CIAC
JULY 26, 2017  Meet with City Staff to discuss impact fee calculation City Staff
AUG. 1, 2017  Resolution by City Council establishing Public Hearing date for water and wastewater impact fee (PH within 60 days of resolution) City Council
AUG. 4, 2017 Draft Impact Fee Report to City FNI
AUG. 16, 2017 Final Draft Report to City FNI
AUG. 18 2017 Publish Notice of Public Hearing on impact fee (at least 30 days before PH; Report made available to public) City Staff
AUG. 22, 2017 CIAC Meeting: Impact fee calculations, benchmarking recommendation of impact fee CIAC
SEPT. 5, 2017 Impact fee written recommendation to City Council by CIAC CIAC
SEPT. 12, 2017 CIAC recommendation due to City Secretary/Council (at least 5 business days prior to PH) City Staff
SEPT. 19, 2017 Public Hearing on Impact Fee; Resolution/Ordinance approving impact fee (adoption within 30 days of PH) City Council
OCT. 3, 2017 Fall back date for adoption of Resolution/Ordinance City Council
OCT. 13, 2017 Final Impact Fee Report to City FNI

Item H. 1. Presentation and update regarding annexation planning. 

Supporting Annexation Documentation:

Read related Corridor News coverage:

Former San Marcos Mayor Explains How Annexation Impacts Property Owners

Annexation Facilitates Growth Of Cities In Central Texas

Buda City Council To Discuss New Annexation & Growth Management Strategy

Buda Planning & Zoning Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/B-PZ-Meeting-Agenda-7-25-2017.pdf”]


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