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Updated: New Member Of Student Health Advisory Council Under Scrutiny For Controversial Tweets

SHAC’s goal is “to coordinate, educate and support San Marcos CISD including community efforts promoting the physical, social and emotional well-being of students, staff and families.”

**This article was originally published on Oct. 11. First updated on Oct. 12.**

UPDATE: An agenda item was placed on the SMCISD’s Board of Trustees’ Oct. 16 agenda to discuss SHAC and the accusations against Narvaiz.

A member of the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District’s School Health Advisory Council has come under scrutiny over content posted on her personal twitter account.

On Sept. 18, the SMCISD school board approved applications for the district School Health Advisory Council. Recently, Naomi Narvaiz, one of those applicants, has become a topic of concern for some members of the community.

“I applied because I always try to volunteer when there is a need and the school district needed individuals who could meet during the day and there was a lack of interest from the Community,” Narvaiz said.

SHAC is a council comprised of parents, Middle School and High School student body presidents, district staff and members of the community. It’s goal is “to coordinate, educate and support San Marcos CISD including community efforts promoting the physical, social and emotional well-being of students, staff and families.”

Narvaiz is one of twenty-three individuals elected to the council.

Narvaiz is reported to have retweeted neo-nazi content from an organization called Patriot Front on her twitter page on Oct. 9. While the tweets have been removed from twitter, screenshots of the controversial posts are circulating around social media.

Narvaiz did not comment on whether or not she had indeed posted or re-tweeted “Neo-Nazi content” on her twitter page. However, other media sources have gotten confirmations.

“Mano Amiga is misconstruing my social media posts,” Narvaiz said. “It is apparent that they do not understand what Twitter is and how it works. Tweets are spreading news. RTing is sharing what someone else has said, and they cannot obviously tell the difference. I will add that I have never hid that I am a conservative pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro 2nd amendment, pro-American law-abiding and pro legal immigration advocate.”

On Oct. 5, a local activist group, Mano Amiga, started a Facebook event asking concerned members of the community to join them at Monday’s, Oct. 16, Board of Trustees meeting and voice their concerns about the issue.

According to the event, Mano Amiga “has faith that, upon a thorough review of her toxic worldview, our School Board will make the prudent choice of protecting SMCISD youth from her hateful ideas.”

The event also stated the organization will continue to post screenshots of Narvaiz’s tweets for the community to review.

Karen Muñoz, a Mano Amiga leader, said, “Narvaiz is on an advisory committee that helps craft policy for the well-being of SMCISD students; it is imperative that we come together as a community of conscience to urgently remove her from that position and spare the children of San Marcos her vitriolic agenda.”

On Oct. 7, MassResistance Texas started an event to show their support for Narvaiz; the event asks for members of the community to attend the meeting in support of Narvaiz and her remaining on SMCISD Student Health Advisory Council. 

Narvaiz said no one associated with Mano Amiga has reached out to her as far as she is aware; however, she has been told by members of the community who may be involved. “It made me feel that this organization only wants people that think like them to serve,” Narvaiz said.


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