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No Lead Detected in Latest Tests

Test results of the fourth round of water samples taken at six sites near the Hays County Government Center Sept. 10 show no detectable amounts of lead, and the City will continue with a sampling plan to try to determine the cause of elevated lead levels found in the water distribution system near the complex.

“While this is certainly good news, we will continue our aggressive steps and take proper measures to ensure the problem is fixed and identify why the lead was present at those levels,” said City Manager Jared Miller.

Two previous rounds of samples were taken Sept. 4 and Sept. 8. The results from these two rounds showed lead results above EPA action levels at some locations, but were inconsistent between the first and second rounds.

EPA action levels are triggers for evaluation of system water treatment process and are not violations of state or federal regulations.

The third round samples taken Sept. 10 showed test results above EPA action levels for lead at three locations. Immediately after the third round of samples were collected, City staff flushed the water service lines feeding the sites for 10 minutes and then collected a fourth round of samples, which showed no detectible lead levels at any location.

Next Steps

Further sampling will be conducted at the previous test locations, and other sampling locations throughout the water distribution system will be selected for testing. The City has also asked TCEQ to conduct confirmation sampling through a third-party contractor.

The City has contracted with Alan Plummer & Associates, Inc. (APAI), who has retained an expert in water quality to assist with the investigation and planning of corrective actions. The City will further develop and expand the sampling plan to ensure system conditions are returned to normal.

Past Sampling History

City water is in full compliance with state and federal regulations regarding lead in drinking water designed to ensure public health.

Past sampling data have shown no elevated lead levels in the City’s source water or readings above action levels in home sampling sites. Water chemistry tests show that the water is non-corrosive and not prone to leaching lead from plumbing.

More Information

The City has opened a call center for residents who have questions about the elevated lead readings in the water samples. Call 512.393.8009 from 8 a.m.-7 p.m.

People may also call the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Water Supply Division at 512.239.4691.

More information can be found online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/waterquality.

(Above is a press release sent out by the City of San Marcos)

– See more at: https://smcorridornews.com/news/66/press-release-no-lead-detected-in-latest-tests.html#sthash.AQafo3Fa.dpuf

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