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FEMA Open House Scheduled To Share Advisory Flood Maps

Homeowners, renters and business owners in San Marcos and Hays County are encouraged to attend the upcoming FEMA Open House on Tuesday, Oct. 27 from 2 – 8 p.m. at the City Park Recreational Hall, 170 Charles Austin Drive.
Residents will be able to view newly released Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE) maps, which show FEMA’s recommended elevations for the reconstruction and elevation of homes substantially damaged by the Memorial Day Flood. The maps will also help residents near floodways gauge their flood risks based on new data.
The maps were compiled using data developed by the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA), the State of Texas, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
City of San Marcos and County officials, in coordination with FEMA, are presenting the ABFE maps at the come-and-go event.
City of San Marcos
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015
City Park Recreation Hall
170 Charles Austin Dr.
San Marcos, TX 78666
2-8 p.m.
Additional information, including links to interactive maps, can be accessed by visiting www.sanmarcostx.gov/floodplain.
Residents can also contact the city floodplain administrator for more details at 512.393.8235.

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