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SMEU Linemen Compete In National Lineworkers Rodeo

“The Rodeo was a great opportunity for our linemen to show the country their skills and the hard-work that they put in for our city every day,” said Electric Distribution Manager Scott King.

The San Marcos Electric Utility showed its stuff recently at the American Public Power Association’s 17th Annual Public Power Lineworkers Rodeo on April 27-28 in Raleigh and Wake Forest, North Carolina.  The competition is a series of events showcasing lineworker skills, practices and knowledge.

San Marcos Electric Utility linemen A.J. Longoria, Daniel Alvarez and Sammy Clark competed against 66 teams and over 100 competitors from non-profit and city-owned electric utility organizations across the country. The San Marcos team fell two points shy of achieving a perfect score at the end of the competition.

“The Rodeo was a great opportunity for our linemen to show the country their skills and the hard-work that they put in for our city every day,” said Electric Distribution Manager Scott King. “We are very proud of our team and thankful to APPA for giving us a space to showcase and enhance their skills as lineman.”

There were two levels of competition within the rodeo: journeyman and apprentice. A qualified journeyman has five or more years of experience, and an apprentice lineworker has up to four years of experience.

At the rodeo, journeyman and apprentice lineworkers competed for awards, attended training courses and practiced essential skills in a safe environment. The competition events are judged based upon safety, work practices, neatness, ability, equipment handling and timely event completion.

For more information about the Electric Utility’s training and maintenance programs, contact Electric Distribution Manager Scott King at sking@sanmarcostx.gov.


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