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A Texas State bone marrow registry program became a national model. Now, its leader is under investigation for diverting money to support an affair.

The university has declined to say much about the questionable spending, documented in records provided to The Texas Tribune. The Texas State University System is investigating the matter.

By Kate Mcgee

A screenshot of Texas State’s CAMCO homepage, archived by the Wayback Machine on April 2021. The university removed the page from its website in early January.

Draining the bank account

Addressing a need

A screenshot of Texas State’s CAMCO About Us page, archived by the Wayback Machine on April 2021. The university scrubbed its website of CAMCO’s pages in early January.

Managing donations

“Bigger than a man”

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One Comment

  1. I couldn’t read all of that. It was just too infuriating. This dude made over $120K per year. Even if the wife took half, he was still doing pretty good. Layer on the fact that he was a state employee during Rona, when the government fired all non-government workers… What an embarrassment. The former artist formerly known as Prince was right.

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