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Antenna Installation And Water Tank Demolition To Begin

Crews will construct a platform for the top of the pole on-site. A crane will be used to erect the pole in stages with the upper platform lifted and lowered over the top of the pole last.

Construction for a new telecommunications antenna within the San Marcos Cemetery grounds is slated to begin Monday, Feb. 12. The pole will support communication equipment for City emergency services and traffic signal management.

The 195-foot tall, free-standing monopole replaces a 115 foot pole previously atop the existing decommissioned water tank.

Crews will construct a platform for the top of the pole on-site. A crane will be used to erect the pole in stages with the upper platform lifted and lowered over the top of the pole last.

Installation of the communication equipment is expected to be complete by Feb. 23.

The water tank demolition will begin once the monopole is installed. The approximate start date for the tank demolition is set for Feb. 26. The demolition and removal of the tank is expected to be complete in one month.

For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or email EngInfo@sanmarcostx.gov.


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