Arts Commission seeks artists for new sculpture
Staff Reports
The San Marcos Arts Commission has issued a national call for artist qualifications for a new outdoor sculpture to be placed in Ramon Lucio Park near the mixed-use path and Cheatham Street.
“We’re looking for an artist or team who can activate that space with their unique art,” said Arts Coordinator Trey Hatt. “San Marcos has a thriving public art program, and we look forward to adding to our collection for residents and visitors alike to enjoy.”
The budget for this project is $70,000 and includes all costs associated with the project, including artist fees, architect/engineer fees, materials, installation, insurance, travel, fabrication, and landscaping if necessary.
Submissions will be evaluated by San Marcos Arts Commission, professional artists, city staff, and key community stakeholders. This evaluation team will select up to three finalists to proceed with the second phase of the selection process.
During the second phase of the selection process, finalists will be asked to submit full-scale proposals to include drawings/diagrams, maquettes if appropriate, budgets, and timelines.
The finalists will present their concepts and maquettes at a public meeting this fall; final selection is scheduled for October.
The RFQ is open until May 2, 2022, at 5 p.m. Full details and application instructions are listed online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/callsforartists.
For more information, contact ghatt@sanmarcostx.gov.