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Breaking: Dog Exposed To Rabid Fox On Wonder World Drive

The City of San Marcos is issuing a rabies alert after a fox that attacked a family dog on the 1400 block of Wonder World Drive June 28 tested positive for rabies.

The dog is in the custody of a local veterinarian and will undergo a state-required 90-day isolation period.

San Marcos Animal Services officers are warning the public not to touch or handle foxes because they can transmit rabies. Other common carriers we see in our area are skunks, raccoons, bats, and coyotes.

  • Wild animals and should never be handled
  • Some foxes may be infected with rabies
  • Not all sick animals are rabid, and not all rabid animals appear sick
  • If you see a fox in a location where a person can reach it please contact Animal Services immediately

If you think you or someone else may have come in physical contact with a fox or other wild animal, please call City of San Marcos Animal Services at 512.805.2655.

This is the first non-bat rabies case on record in San Marcos.


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