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Real Estate

We Need More Housing, Not More Rent Control

We Need More Housing, Not More Rent Control

The dirty secret that big-city politicians don’t want their constituents to find out is that rising rents are the result…
Mortgage Rates Fall For The Third Consecutive Week

Mortgage Rates Fall For The Third Consecutive Week

“As rates fell for the third consecutive week, markets staged a rebound with increases in manufacturing and service sector activity,”…
San Marcos City Council Approves Support For Two Low-Income Housing Projects

San Marcos City Council Approves Support For Two Low-Income Housing Projects

“As a former member of the workforce housing task force, I’ve come before you before on many of these requests,”…
Mortgage Rates Continue To Drop

Mortgage Rates Continue To Drop

“This week’s mortgage rates were the second-lowest in three years, supporting homebuyer demand and leading to higher refinancing activity...”
Analysis: Subprime Loans Will Be Back With A Vengeance In 2020

Analysis: Subprime Loans Will Be Back With A Vengeance In 2020

Moody’s Investor Service is out with a new report that predicts mortgage lenders will loosen their lending standards. In 2020,…
Texas Was The Second Most Popular State For Relocation Activity In 2018; Especially From California

Texas Was The Second Most Popular State For Relocation Activity In 2018; Especially From California

Texas ranked second in the nation for relocation activity in 2018, according to the 2020 edition of the Texas Relocation Report…
Rental Report: San Marcos Ranked As The Most Affordable City In Austin Metro For December

Rental Report: San Marcos Ranked As The Most Affordable City In Austin Metro For December

The Zumper Austin Metro Area Report analyzed active listings in December 2019 across 7 metro cities to show the most…
Mortgage Rates Drop To Lowest Level In Three Months

Mortgage Rates Drop To Lowest Level In Three Months

“Rates fell to the lowest level in three months and are about a quarter point above all-time lows,” said Sam…
Property Tax Payment Deadline Approaches

Property Tax Payment Deadline Approaches

“There are a variety of payment options available,” O’Kane pointed out. “And if you wait until the 31st, chances are…
Mortgage Rates Generally Hold Steady

Mortgage Rates Generally Hold Steady

“Mortgage rates inched up by one basis point this week with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaging 3.65 percent. By all…
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