Central Texas Food Bank Hosts February & March Mass Food Distributions In Kyle
KYLE, TEXAS – The Central Texas Food Bank in partnership with the City of Kyle and Texas Disposal Systems is hosting Mass Food Distribution on Saturday, Feb. 13, and Saturday, March 13 from 9 AM to 12 PM at the Austin Community College Hays Campus, 1200 Kohlers Crossing.
Central Texas residents facing food insecurity can drive to the events to receive a box of assorted produce, milk, and a protein box.
Actual contents may vary depending on availability. All are welcome and no registration is required.
In response to the public health crisis, Central Texas Food Bank distributions have been converted to a drive-thru model and volunteers place food into each vehicle’s trunk.
The food bank is asking that each household only send one person to the event, and that all attendees come in vehicles — there will be no walk-up distribution — to adhere to social distancing requirements.
From May through December of 2020, citywide Mass Food Distributions have provided food for 8,817 households, with a total of 38,934 individuals served.
The first distribution of the year held in Kyle on Saturday, Jan. 9, provided food for 1,127 households, with a total of 4,427 individuals served.
Volunteer sign up for the February Mass Food Distribution is already filled, but residents can sign up at https://cafb.volunteerhub.com/
Information on how to volunteer for the March distribution will be made available closer to the event.
For information about other food distribution sites being hosted by Central Texas Food Bank, visit www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/