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CHANGES HAPPENING: City Changing CodeSMTX Land Use, Transportation, Environmental Standards

The City of San Marcos Planning and Development Services Department will host an open house to present the draft of  CodeSMTX, the city’s new land development code, June 30 from noon until 7 p.m. at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins.


The open house will feature a 30 minute presentation highlighting the changes in land use, transportation, and environmental standards proposed to implement the vision and policies established through the Comprehensive Plan.  The presentation will be given twice during the day at 12:30 and 6 p.m.


“The CodeSMTX process is about applying the policies regarding where and how we grow from the Vision San Marcos Comprehensive Plan to our land development code,” said Planning Manager Abby Gillfillan. “The update creates a more modern Code that offers a better ‘tool-kit’ for shaping growth in San Marcos and achieving our Comprehensive Plan objectives.”


The open house and presentations will highlight some of the key components proposed for the Code and some of the policies guiding the development of CodeSMTX. The open house will also provide an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the draft document through a survey and questionnaire.


More information about CodeSMTX, including the complete draft document, is available online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/codesmtx.


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