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City Council to Discuss Housing, Affordability at Workshop

The City of San Marcos is hosting a CodeSMTX City Council workshop on Monday, Aug. 29 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the San Marcos Activity Center, Room 3, 501 E. Hopkins.


The public workshop is focused on how our new development code can support the housing needs of both current and future residents. The City has invited a panel of experts from the Central Texas region with knowledge and experience in working with communities to deliver diverse and affordable housing options.



Featured panelists:

  • Terry Mitchell

Momark Development

  • Sean Garretson

Pegasus Planning and Development

  • Adriana Cruz

Greater San Marcos Partnership

  • Jim Adams

McCann Adams Studio

  • Brian Kelsey

Civic Analytics


In addition to the panel, the workshop will include a presentation of what City staff heard during the public comment period and the next steps in the CodeSMTX process moving forward.


The event will be live streamed and available after the workshop for viewing online at http://www.sanmarcostx.gov/index.aspx?page=1397.  For additional information, please contact the Planning and Development Services Department at 512.393.8230 or Planning_Info@sanmarcostx.gov.

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