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City, HUD to Host Community Needs Assessment Roundtable

HUD Needs Assessment


Officials from the City of San Marcos and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development will host a roundtable discussion to address unmet needs in the community Friday, July 8 at 9:30 a.m. at the San Marcos Rec Hall, 170 Charles Austin Drive.


This meeting is part of a program separate from the City’s disaster recovery process. HUD has asked the City to participate in an initiative that joins city officials, staff and community stakeholders with federal and state agencies that can assist the community with identifying local priorities and establishing goals to meet community needs (not specifically related to disaster recovery).


This meeting will help the City formulate a plan of action to help the City address the needs identified through this process.


For more information, contact Janis Hendrix at 512.393.8147 or jhendrix@sanmarcostx.gov.

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