City Of San Marcos Facilities To Remain Closed To Public Through February
As COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations within San Marcos and Hays County continue to be on the rise, City facilities will remain closed to the public through the end of February.
Facilities are scheduled to reopen to the public on Monday, March 1, and this timeline will be reevaluated later in February.
In early January, the hospital capacity in Trauma Service Area (TSA) O in which San Marcos resides reached the 15% mark occupied by COVID patients for seven consecutive days, resulting in additional restrictions being initiated on January 11, 2021.
If the San Marcos area hospital capacity drops below the 15% mark for seven consecutive days, the more restrictive components of the standing Governor’s Order (GA-32) will be lifted.
For the most current city-related COVID-19 info and to read GA-32 visit: www.sanmarcostx.gov/covid19info.
City staff will continue to be available to assist residents by phone, email, curbside services, and utility billing drive-thrus during normal work hours.
City parks and natural areas will remain open to the public and patrons are encouraged to practice social distancing and wear a mask when around others not in their household.
The Parks and Recreation Department will host virtual and socially distanced events, as scheduled, including 50+ Parking Lot Bingo, Wander Through Winter, Tales on the Trails, Valentine kit pick up and 50+ Cupid’s Curbside Treats for Seniors.
Facilities remaining closed to the public during February include all buildings in the City Hall complex, the Activity Center, the Animal Shelter, Municipal Court, the Public Library, the Grant Harris Building, the San Marcos Tourist Information Center, the Discovery Center, and Utility Billing counters at the Municipal Building and the San Marcos Electric Utility Office.
Animal Shelter Curbside Service:
All transactions at the Animal Shelter including adoptions, fosters, and intake/reclaim for lost pets will be handled outdoors through curbside service while the shelter is closed to the public.
Visitors are asked to look for instructional signs in front of the doors to the adoption center or intake/reclaim.
Adoption appointments are preferred and may be scheduled through email at animaladoptions@sanmarcostx.gov or by phone at 512.805.2657.
Lost and found pet appointments are coordinated through Waitwhile at https://v2.waitwhile.com/welcome/animalreclaim.
For adoption details and application, visit https://sanmarcostx.gov/3259/Adoptable-Animals.
Emergency animal services are available by calling the shelter at 512.805.2655 during normal business hours and by calling the San Marcos Police Department non-emergency line at 512.753.2108 outside normal business hours.
Public Library Curbside Service:
Library curbside service will continue to be available from Monday through Saturday, 10 AM to 6 PM, and on Sunday from 1 PM to 6 PM.
Patrons may place items on hold through the library catalog at www.sanmarcostx.gov/library, via email at smpl@sanmarcostx.gov, or by calling 512.393.8200.
The library lobby and computer lab services will be closed, but the public may access wi-fi service from the library parking lot.
Utility Billing Assistance & Drive-thrus:
For assistance with utility questions or payment arrangements, customers may email utility_billing@sanmarcostx.gov, call 512.393.8383 or visit https://connect.sanmarcostx.gov/.
They may also visit the utility drive-thrus located at the Municipal Building, 630 E Hopkins, or the San Marcos Electric Utility office, 1040 Hwy 123 from 9 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.