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City of San Marcos seeks Boards & Commissions applicants

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS— The City of San Marcos is currently looking for members of the community to serve on the city’s boards and commissions.
In addition to the opportunity citizens have to express their thoughts at City Council meetings and public hearings, San Marcos citizens also may apply to serve on one of many boards and commissions.
There are 25 different boards & commissions, and membership on these panels is open to all San Marcos citizens. Unless otherwise noted, the only requirement for service is that the applicant be a city resident. Members of these citizen panels serve without monetary compensation. The City Council appoints the members.

The City Council also appoints members to serve on temporary Committees, to view information on the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, please: Click Here

To View Board and Commission Agendas: Click Here

The current application deadline is January 7th. More information on open Board and Commission positions can be found on the City of San Marcos website.

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