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San Marcos Offering New Opt-Out Policy For Advanced Metering

In response to requests from utility customers, the City of San Marcos now provides residential electric utility customers the option to replace an automated meter infrastructure (AMI) electric meter with a manual read electric meter.


The City Council passed the AMI Opt Out policy in April. To obtain a manually read meter, the account holder must submit the Opt-Out Request Form, which can be downloaded at www.sanmarcostx.gov/AMIoptout or obtained at either of the Utility Customer Service locations (630 E. Hopkins or 1040 Hwy 123).


In order for an account to qualify for the opt-out program, the account holder must meet the required criteria and agree to the payment terms. If the account holder does not comply with the payment agreement they are subject to be removed from the program.

The criteria for the opt-out program are:
• The request must be made by the utility account holder
• The request must be submitted in writing (AMI Electric Meter Opt-Out Request Form)
• The account holder must comply with all City of San Marcos Electric rules and regulations



If approved, the utility account holder must agrees to:
• Pay a meter exchange fee of $100 to replace the AMI meter with a manual read meter
• Pay a monthly meter reading Fee of $25, in addition to the existing electric utility charges, to recover the cost of manual meter reading

For more information, contact Utility Customer Services at 512.393.8383.


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