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Council Approves Budget

The San Marcos City Council approved a budget of $193.8 million for the 2017 fiscal year and voted to hold the property tax rate at 53.02 cents per $100 of taxable value for the 10th year in a row Tuesday night.


The City Council also approved adjusting drainage utility rates to fund expanded maintenance and construction of drainage channels in San Marcos; adjusting water and wastewater rates in continuation of a gradual process to fund future water supply; and adjusting solid waste and recycling rates.


“We are very proud of the fact that we have been able to maintain the same property tax rate for the last ten years while increasing our levels of service,” said City Manager Jared Miller. “This can be difficult to achieve in periods of large growth because of the increased demand on infrastructure. In addition to maintaining or increasing service levels, this budget includes notable enhancements to public safety and beautification.”




Highlights of the $193,811, 647 budget for Fiscal Year 2017, which begins Oct. 1, include:


  • Addition of 22 new personnel positions, as well as reclassification or modification to title or number of budgeted hours in four other positions.  The departments receiving the new positions include City Clerk, Parks and Recreation, Fleet, Inspections, Finance, Code Compliance, Police, Traffic, Engineering, Fire, IT, Main Street, Electric Utility, Water/Wastewater Utility, Drainage Utility, and Resource Recovery Utility.



Utility Rates


  • Drainage utility rates: Over the past several years, the City Council has adjusted the Drainage Utility rates to fund drainage projects and maintenance. This year a 10 percent adjustment was adopted.  As a result, monthly residential rates will increase by 52 cents to $5.72 for small lots, 83 cents (to $9.15) for medium lots, and 95 cents (to $10.48) for large lots.


  • Water and wastewater rates: The Citizen’s Utility Advisory Board recommended a 5 percent adjustment to water rates and a 2 percent adjustment to wastewater rates, which the City Council approved. The new rates will increase the average residential water and wastewater bill by $2.75 per month. CUAB also recommended gradual increases over the next 3-5 years to help offset otherwise more dramatic adjustments once the Hays Caldwell Public Utility Agency project begins in FY 2019. The HCPUA project will supply San Marcos with an additional 50-year water supply once it is fully implemented.


  • Resource Recovery rates: Rates for residential curbside solid waste, green waste and recycling are being adjusted by approximately four percent. The residential rates also include Green Guy Recycling services, Household Hazardous Waste drop off, brush drop off, downtown trash/recycling public container service, City special events trash, and community clean ups. The multi-family recycling rate is being adjusted by approximately four percent. The multi-family rate also includes Green Guy Recycling services, Household Hazardous Waste drop off,  downtown trash/recycling public container service, City special events trash, and community clean ups.

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