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County, City Seek Damage Information From Property Owners

Hays County is requesting that property owners who had flood or storm damage beginning Friday, October 30, contact the County to help assessment teams get an accurate count of damaged properties. Property owners are asked to send this information as soon as they can safely assess their damage. Assessment teams will be surveying damaged areas in the coming days and this information will help ensure that all property damage is recorded.

Information about any damaged property in the unincorporated area of Hays County or in any city except San Marcos should be sent to floodstormdamage@co.hays.tx.us and should include;

  • Address of damaged property and owner’s name
  • Type of damage
  • Depth of any water in building(s)

Property damage within the City of San Marcos limits should be reported to flooddamage@sanmarcostx.gov.

Please do not attempt to return to your damaged property until it is safe to do so.

Road closings and other emergency information can be found at www.HaysInformed.com. Sign up for emergency notifications at the link on www.co.hays.tx.us. Current weather information is at www.weather.gov and area media outlets.

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