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Downtown Development As An Economic Development Strategy

Most cities have an a downtown or central business district, an asset that already exists, but is it providing economic development benefits to that community – sales tax, property tax, small businesses, and jobs? This part of the city is already being supported by city services and represents an ongoing investment, so why not maximize its impact on the broader economic goals of the community!


This workshop and forum will provide elected officials with information about creating an economic development strategy to fuel development in their downtowns. The key topics addressed in this workshop include the following:

  • Identifying the role of the downtown in the city’s economic development efforts
  • Downtown development planning and partnerships
  • Housing development in your downtown plan
  • Resources for Downtown Development


The commercial core of a city, its central business district or downtown, plays an important role in a community. A downtown mix of professional services, retail, restaurants and commercial businesses can be the attractions for local citizens or visitors but it also becomes the community’s central point for events, farmers markets, and recreational activities. Downtown development should be an important strategy in every city’s economic development plan.


On July 21, 2016, CAPCOG will provide its second in a series of economic development workshops focused on these issues; the workshop will cover key aspects of a strong downtown development program including planning, necessary resources and tools, housing in a downtown, and the partnerships necessary to succeed. CEUs will be available for city and county elected officials.


Elected official who attend this workshop can qualify to receive continuing education credits.


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