Downtown San Marcos Street Signs Get Makeover
Starting the week of January 25, 2021, the City of San Marcos will begin installing new street signs in the downtown area.
The branded street signs are part of the Main Street Program’s ongoing efforts to showcase downtown’s rich historic character, vibrant public art, and distinctive attractions.
The signs were developed through months of research and collaboration between the Main Street Advisory Board, Main Street committees, the Downtown Design Task Force, City departments, and community members.
The final design was created by the San Marcos Convention and Visitor Bureau. The heart symbolizes love for downtown and the wave references the beloved San Marcos River which borders the downtown district.
“We’re excited to see this project come to fruition,” said Josie Falletta, Downtown Coordinator for Main Street. “Our volunteers put a lot of thought and hard work into designing these signs, and we invite our community to join us downtown to admire them and visit local attractions.”
A total of 98 signs will be installed as part of the $14,300 project that was approved in the Main Street budget for the 2020 fiscal year.
For more information about Main Street initiatives, follow @DowntownSMTX on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or email mainstreet@sanmarcostx.gov.
Downtown Coordinator for Main Street… Main Street Advisory Board… Main Street committees… Downtown Design Task Force… City departments… and community members.
Holy hell that’s a lot of people. Why were they all necessary? I feel like this is a Chiefs/Indians problem.
Well that certainly puts us over worrying about street repair/maintenance!
Priorities of this small cities staff ?
The staff priorities of this small City now consist of inventing proof of their own relevance by means of unicorns and endless rainbows
For years, this staff through taxes reaped from the now forever gone “Shopping Outlet Malls”, have been living high on the hog, as witnessed even by the City’s ever-so-necessary office of “Innovation Manager” Charlotte Wattigny.
Now, it looks like the free ride is over. Hence, the City Council now says they want to sue the governor in hopes that some wacko court will allow them to close down their governmental offices and simply draw a paycheck from home for deciding which local businesses here live or die. Desperate, childlike in-your-face denial tactics under fire.
By law, local government is an offspring of state government–NOT the other way around. Here, the children are now telling their parent the way its going to be. That is the way most liberals view anything. Absolutely no accountability when it comes to authority they do not agree with. Do you really want these people in a life boat with you?
And our new chief of police somehow believes (or needs to believe) his new employers are not who they appear to be? Better hope this new chief is not made of the same stuff as our former president who, despite all of his words, in the end, did nothing but condemn those who condemned the ruling elite.
That was a lot of words. But some how it failed generate a single logical argument.
The city council leaves much to be desired. Baker is hard working but his priorities are exactly wrong. Derrick is clearly afraid she’ll have to make a decision someday. So you have plenty of space to criticize. Just keep it reasonable, professional, and on point.
“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having [read] it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”