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FEMA Seeks Repurposing Of $10B In Funds For Climate Resilience

Washington, D.C. – Officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are seeking political support for a new strategy to redirect up to $10 billion in federal funds toward climate resilience projects.

FEMA is requesting that the new administration take its COVID-19 spending into account in a formula that would shift funding to projects that strengthen infrastructure against climate disasters.

Elevating or relocating residences in floodplains and constructing seawalls are some of the projects that could receive funding.

The plan would revive an Obama-administration program, Building Resilient Infrastructure Communities (BRIC), that would initially get an estimated $3.7 billion injection for disaster mitigation.

Local governments would be required to provide a 25 percent match and develop large-scale projects that meet federal criteria.

This article was originally published by Strategic Partnerships Inc.


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