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Fred Villanueva retires after 47 years at Gary Job Corps

Fred Villanueva started working on April 20, 1970, at the Gary Job Corps Center. 

Fred started during the Administration of President Nixon and he stated that over the past 47 years he has seen many changes. 

In the beginning of my employment stated Fred “ we had over 3,000 young men, no women, it wasn’t until 1975 that young ladies started at Gary.  I have seen the many changes in training different vocations and everything helping student become more employable”. 

Center Director Lonnie Hall presented Fred with a Certificate of Appreciation for his many years with Gary Job Corps, “your influence with the students will be missed you were a great role model over these many years”. 

Fred retired as student payroll finance clerk, over the years he also worked in student records department.

“My retirement time will go towards my family, and chickens, pigs, ducks, and rabbits,” stated Fred.


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