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Goodnight Middle School Writers Receive Awards

Goodnight Middle School is celebrating some talented eighth-graders who entered their writing projects in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards this year, and earned recognitions for their efforts! The award-winners are:

  • Julia Antu – who received a Gold Key Award for her Flash Fiction
  • Faith Phillips – who received a Silver Key for her short story
  • Briana Hernandez-Barrientos – who received a Silver Key for her personal essay/memoir
  • Julio Trevino – who received an Honorable Mention for his short story.

Each year, around 100 visual arts and literary organizations in the nation bring the opportunity for the writing awards to local communities for teens in grades 7-12, who can apply in 29 categories. Last year, there were 320,000 works submitted that were judged by writing professionals. Gold Key recipients advance to the next level of the competition.

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