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Gov. Greg Abbott chastises school board group with vague accusation of “pornographic images” in library books

Abbott’s letter comes on the heels of an inquiry launched by state Rep. Matt Krause, a Fort Worth Republican running for Texas attorney general. Krause sent a letter to certain school districts with an 850-book list that included novels about racism and sexuality.

By Cassandra Pollock

This story originally published by the Texas Tribune.

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  1. The school organization said it was “confused” why the letter was sent to the association, “which has no regulatory authority over school districts and does not set the standards for instructional materials, including library books.”

    Really ??? . . . Correct. The “Texas Association of Schools” simply promotes these standards and offers legal advice for defending the use of these standards . . .

    For example: “Gender Queer: a Memoir” has been banned by even the most liberal of cities, Seattle. Why? The themes in the book are about exploring sexuality which lead to sexual encounters described within a graphic novel, and that means these encounters illustrated in great detail. It’s all good. because your Johnny can now learn in school how anal sex won’t lead to a sexual lifestyle that tops the suicide charts. Wait . . . it does top the charts, but that’s only because Florida and Rhode Island, New Jersey, Ohio, Washington and Texas have now stigmatized Johnny simply for discovering he was gender queer and loved anal sex, and that “Queer Kids Need Queer Stories” [citing title of article written by author Maia Kobabe for the Washington Times, October 29, 2021]. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/10/29/schools-are-banning-my-book-queer-kids-need-queer-stories/

    The characters in Kobabe’s book use crude language and perform sexual acts on others or even themselves and show children how sexual conduct gratifies and fulfills a young vulnerable mind, and which ignorant parents argue is seductive pornography which shouldn’t be allowed in school because it promotes pedophilia and sexually-driven juvenile madness. “You’re talking about children – you’re going to expose them to pornographic material? You might as well put Playboy and Hustler in there,” said one speaker at a school committee meeting in South Kingston, Rhode Island.

    Thus the pooor harmless and victimized “gay” lobby pushes on toward redeeming your child
    The good news? All sacrifices brought to the altar remain voluntary. For now.

  2. Heaven forbid he finds out that the kids have access to the internet. This is pandering to the crazies at its finest.

    1. You are soo right. Rather, let the crazies TEACH our children anal sex in the schools.
      So what’s with your rant . . . did the local school district find you were overqualified ?

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